Product Finder

Part Number Material Ref Perm Analyze Click on the Icon next to the core you would like to analyze - a new pop-up window will appear populated with the core specifications and allow you to input winding and power specifications. AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
OD (in) ID (in) HT (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-0 1 Analyze 0.16 0.050 0.025 0.025 0.0019 0.300 0.0006
-17 4 Analyze 0.42 0.050 0.025 0.025 0.0019 0.300 0.0006
-10 6 Analyze 0.7 0.050 0.025 0.025 0.0019 0.300 0.0006
-6 8.5 Analyze 1.0 0.050 0.025 0.025 0.0019 0.300 0.0006
-3 35 - 2.8 0.050 0.025 0.025 0.0019 0.300 0.0006
-0 1 Analyze 0.3 0.070 0.035 0.030 0.0035 0.420 0.0015
-17 4 Analyze 0.6 0.070 0.035 0.030 0.0035 0.420 0.0015
-10 6 Analyze 0.9 0.070 0.035 0.030 0.0035 0.420 0.0015
-6 8.5 Analyze 1.3 0.070 0.035 0.030 0.0035 0.420 0.0015
-2 10 Analyze 1.35 0.070 0.035 0.030 0.0035 0.420 0.0015

Part Number Material Ref Perm Analyze Click on the Icon next to the core you would like to analyze - a new pop-up window will appear populated with the core specifications and allow you to input winding and power specifications. Ref Size AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
MS - Sendust 14 Analyze DIN 13/4 13.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385 -
FS - FluxSan™ 14 Analyze DIN 13/4 13.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385 -
FS - FluxSan™ 26 Analyze DIN 13/4 20.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385 -
MS - Sendust 26 Analyze DIN 13/4 20.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385 -
MS - Sendust 40 Analyze DIN 13/4 28.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385 -
FS - FluxSan™ 40 Analyze DIN 13/4 28.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385
MS - Sendust 60 Analyze DIN 13/4 39.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385
FS - FluxSan™ 60 Analyze DIN 13/4 39.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385 -
MS - Sendust 75 Analyze DIN 13/4 47.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385 -
MS - Sendust 90 Analyze DIN 13/4 55.0 0.500 0.252 0.140 0.174 0.350 0.140 0.130 2.96 0.385 -

Part Number Material Ref Perm Analyze Click on the Icon next to the core you would like to analyze - a new pop-up window will appear populated with the core specifications and allow you to input winding and power specifications. AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
MS - Sendust 26 Analyze 60.0 0.807 0.551 0.197 0.091 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.28 1.99 -
FS - FluxSan™ 26 Analyze 60.0 0.807 0.551 0.197 0.091 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.28 1.99 -
HF - Hi-Flux™ 26 Analyze 60.0 0.807 0.551 0.197 0.091 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.28 1.99 -
FS - FluxSan™ 40 Analyze 93.0 0.807 0.551 0.197 0.091 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.28 1.99 -
HF - Hi-Flux™ 40 Analyze 93.0 0.807 0.551 0.197 0.091 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.28 1.99 -
MS - Sendust 40 Analyze 93.0 0.807 0.551 0.197 0.091 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.28 1.99 -
FS - FluxSan™ 60 Analyze 140.0 0.807 0.551 0.197 0.091 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.28 1.99 -
HF - Hi-Flux™ 60 Analyze 140.0 0.807 0.551 0.197 0.091 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.28 1.99
MS - Sendust 60 Analyze 140.0 0.807 0.551 0.197 0.091 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.28 1.99
MS - Sendust 26 Analyze 57.0 0.807 0.551 0.217 0.110 0.346 0.701 0.608 3.48 2.12 -

Part Number Material Ref Perm Analyze Click on the Icon next to the core you would like to analyze - a new pop-up window will appear populated with the core specifications and allow you to input winding and power specifications. AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
MS - Sendust 26 Analyze 54.0 0.839 0.551 0.319 0.197 0.346 0.693 0.619 3.76 2.33 -
HF - Hi-Flux™ 26 Analyze 54.0 0.839 0.551 0.319 0.197 0.346 0.693 0.619 3.76 2.33 -
FS - FluxSan™ 26 Analyze 54.0 0.839 0.551 0.319 0.197 0.346 0.693 0.619 3.76 2.33 -
FS - FluxSan™ 40 Analyze 83.0 0.839 0.551 0.319 0.197 0.346 0.693 0.619 3.76 2.33 -
MS - Sendust 40 Analyze 83.0 0.839 0.551 0.319 0.197 0.346 0.693 0.619 3.76 2.33 -
HF - Hi-Flux™ 40 Analyze 83.0 0.839 0.551 0.319 0.197 0.346 0.693 0.619 3.76 2.33 -
FS - FluxSan™ 60 Analyze 124.0 0.839 0.551 0.319 0.197 0.346 0.693 0.619 3.76 2.33
MS - Sendust 60 Analyze 124.0 0.839 0.551 0.319 0.197 0.346 0.693 0.619 3.76 2.33 -
HF - Hi-Flux™ 60 Analyze 124.0 0.839 0.551 0.319 0.197 0.346 0.693 0.619 3.76 2.33 -
MS - Sendust 26 Analyze 45.0 0.839 0.551 0.398 0.276 0.346 0.693 0.626 4.57 2.86 -

Balun Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) L (in) ID (in) D (in)
-0 1 None 0.081 0.138 0.053 0.031 0.057
-10 6 3.5 0.081 0.138 0.053 0.031 0.057
-10 6 4.35 0.081 0.138 0.070 0.031 0.057
-0 1 1.9 0.082 0.140 0.070 0.033 0.058
-8 35 10.5 0.082 0.140 0.070 0.033 0.058
-0 1 2.5 0.082 0.140 0.093 0.033 0.058
-17 4 4.5 0.082 0.140 0.093 0.033 0.058
-10 6 5.6 0.082 0.140 0.093 0.033 0.058
-6 8.5 7.3 0.082 0.140 0.093 0.033 0.058
-2 10 8.1 0.082 0.140 0.093 0.033 0.058

Block Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in)
MS - Sendust 14 1.870 1.614 0.791 -
FS - FluxSan™ 14 1.870 1.614 0.791 -
MS - Sendust 26 1.870 1.614 0.791
FS - FluxSan™ 26 1.870 1.614 0.791
FS - FluxSan™ 40 1.870 1.614 0.791
MS - Sendust 40 1.870 1.614 0.791 -
MS - Sendust 60 1.870 1.614 0.791
FS - FluxSan™ 60 1.870 1.614 0.791 -
MS - Sendust 75 1.870 1.614 0.791 -
MS - Sendust 90 1.870 1.614 0.791 -

Bus Bar
Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-26 75 56.08 0.720 0.150 0.400 0.520 0.055 0.245 4.19 0.984
-8 35 68.0 1.020 0.325 0.500 0.520 0.070 0.806 5.92 4.61
-26 75 147.0 1.020 0.325 0.500 0.520 0.070 0.806 5.92 4.61
-52 75 147.0 1.020 0.325 0.500 0.520 0.070 0.806 5.92 4.61
-8 35 83.0 1.020 0.325 0.625 0.520 0.070 1.01 5.92 5.77
-26 75 179.0 1.020 0.325 0.625 0.520 0.070 1.01 5.92 5.77
-52 75 179.0 1.020 0.325 0.625 0.520 0.070 1.01 5.92 5.77
-8 35 95.0 1.020 0.325 0.750 0.520 0.070 1.21 5.92 6.92
-52 75 208.0 1.020 0.325 0.750 0.520 0.070 1.21 5.92 6.92
-26 75 208.0 1.020 0.325 0.750 0.520 0.070 1.21 5.92 6.92

Part Number Material AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
OD (in) ID (in) HT (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-267 450.0 0.510 0.290 0.280 0.189 3.19 0.603
-275 475.0 0.510 0.290 0.365 0.246 3.19 0.786
-267 625.0 0.835 0.510 0.400 0.398 5.37 2.14
-275 650.0 0.835 0.510 0.525 0.523 5.37 2.81
-267 800.0 1.025 0.600 0.475 0.619 6.48 4.01
-275 825.0 1.025 0.600 0.625 0.814 6.48 5.28
-267 1250.0 1.520 0.835 0.625 1.31 9.40 12.3
-275 1300.0 1.520 0.835 0.825 1.73 9.40 16.3
-267 1275.0 2.010 1.240 0.775 1.83 13.0 23.7
-275 1325.0 2.010 1.240 1.025 2.42 13.0 31.4 -

Cup Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in)
-6 8.5 0.373 0.283 0.312 0.250 0.186 -
-2 10 0.418 0.368 0.360 0.320 0.218
-8 35 0.495 0.403 0.600 0.560 0.161
-3 35 0.505 0.395 0.312 0.250 0.171
-2 10 0.505 0.395 0.345 0.250 0.170
-2 10 0.722 0.592 0.500 0.423 0.290

Disc Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) C (in)
-2 10 0.286 0.062
-2 10 0.286 0.095
-2 10 0.375 0.062
-40 60 1.420 0.156
-40 60 1.845 0.187 -
-52 75 1.847 0.187
-40 60 2.515 0.187
-2 10 3.180 0.394 -
-40 60 3.180 0.394
-52 75 3.180 0.394

Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) H (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-8 35 114.0 2.210 1.090 0.820 0.755 1.700 0.680 0.780 2.19 13.3 29.1
-40 60 76.4 2.210 1.090 0.820 0.755 1.700 0.680 0.780 2.19 13.3 29.1 -
-40 60 191.0 2.210 1.090 0.820 0.755 1.700 0.680 0.780 2.19 13.3 29.1

Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) H (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-8 35 40.1 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.400 0.800 0.350 0.350 0.637 6.28 4.00
-52 75 84.8 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.400 0.800 0.350 0.350 0.637 6.28 4.00
-8 35 48.7 1.250 0.625 0.570 0.458 1.010 0.438 0.438 0.960 7.46 7.43
-52 75 49.9 1.250 0.625 0.570 0.458 1.010 0.438 0.438 0.960 7.46 7.43
-52 75 119.0 1.250 0.625 0.570 0.458 1.010 0.438 0.438 0.960 7.46 7.43
-52 75 125.0 1.455 0.685 0.425 0.475 1.035 0.425 0.425 0.915 8.50 9.28
-26 75 125.0 1.455 0.685 0.425 0.475 1.035 0.425 0.425 0.915 8.50 9.28 -
-8 35 63.7 1.500 0.750 0.750 0.600 1.190 0.536 0.536 1.45 9.46 13.7
-52 75 127.4 1.500 0.750 0.750 0.600 1.190 0.536 0.536 1.45 9.46 13.7
-8 35 82.3 1.685 0.827 0.766 0.602 1.360 0.580 0.580 1.79 9.90 17.7

HC Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) G (in)
-66 66 0.177 0.177 0.044 0.020 0.066 0.144 0.066
-66 66 0.177 0.177 0.055 0.032 0.066 0.144 0.066
-66 66 0.177 0.177 0.075 0.049 0.066 0.144 0.066
-66 66 0.213 0.201 0.045 0.020 0.059 0.167 0.087
-66 66 0.213 0.201 0.048 0.027 0.059 0.167 0.087
-66 66 0.213 0.201 0.120 0.095 0.071 0.167 0.087
-66 66 0.213 0.201 0.124 0.098 0.071 0.167 0.087
-65 42 0.256 0.256 0.075 0.039 0.083 0.197 0.091
-66 66 0.255 0.255 0.075 0.039 0.083 0.197 0.090
-66 66 0.256 0.256 0.075 0.039 0.083 0.197 0.091

HD Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) G (in)
-66 66 0.398 0.276 0.148 0.116 0.154 0.319 0.116
-52 75 0.402 0.402 0.118 0.079 0.158 0.323 0.022
-52 75 0.402 0.402 0.177 0.138 0.158 0.323 0.022
-66 66 0.402 0.402 0.158 0.110 0.138 0.323 0.022 -
-52 75 0.469 0.500 0.140 0.100 0.185 0.378 0.022
-66 66 0.469 0.500 0.140 0.100 0.185 0.378 0.022 -
-66 66 0.492 0.492 0.195 0.142 0.181 0.394 0.016
-66 66 0.500 0.500 0.141 0.102 0.191 0.417 0.022
-52 75 0.508 0.508 0.138 0.098 0.193 0.425 0.022
-66 66 0.508 0.508 0.150 0.110 0.193 0.425 0.022 -

Hollow Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
OD (in) ID (in) L (in)
-6 8.5 0.142 0.064 0.125
-2 10 0.142 0.064 0.125
-3 35 0.142 0.064 0.125
-6 8.5 0.252 0.090 0.312
-6 8.5 0.261 0.075 0.394
-2 10 0.261 0.075 0.394 -
-26 75 0.310 0.137 0.750
-7 9 0.362 0.125 0.625
-6 8.5 0.373 0.125 0.500
-2 10 0.373 0.125 0.500

Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) E (in) F (in) G (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-26 75 71.0 0.610 0.450 0.250 0.255 0.200 0.210 0.315 5.66 1.81
-8 35 42.4 0.800 0.625 0.250 0.375 0.250 0.300 0.403 7.87 3.18
-40 60 62.5 0.800 0.625 0.250 0.375 0.250 0.300 0.403 7.87 3.18
-52 75 70.0 0.800 0.625 0.250 0.375 0.250 0.300 0.403 7.87 3.18
-26 75 71.0 0.800 0.625 0.250 0.375 0.250 0.300 0.403 7.87 3.18
-2 10 59.0 3.500 2.875 1.000 1.625 1.000 1.500 6.45 35.6 250.0
-40 60 235.5 3.500 2.875 1.000 1.625 1.000 1.500 6.45 35.6 250.0

IC Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Type Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) G (in)
-66 66 2 0.177 0.177 0.026 0.033 0.079 0.008 0.165
-66 66 2 0.216 0.202 0.031 0.049 0.059 0.002 0.196
-66 66 2 0.216 0.202 0.031 0.049 0.059 0.005 0.196
-66 66 1 0.254 0.254 0.031 0.077 0.167 0.004 0.246
-66 66 1 0.254 0.254 0.031 0.075 0.167 0.008 0.246
-2 10 1 0.256 0.256 0.037 0.075 0.169 0.006 0.246
-65 42 1 0.256 0.256 0.037 0.075 0.169 0.006 0.246
-66 66 1 0.256 0.256 0.037 0.075 0.169 0.006 0.246
-66 66 1 0.256 0.256 0.051 0.071 0.173 0.008 0.246
-65 42 2 0.254 0.254 0.033 0.041 0.126 0.008 0.226

I Core
Part Number Material Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in)
-26 0.807 0.551 0.047
-26 1.005 0.250 0.126
-26 1.021 0.565 0.055 -
-40 1.500 0.695 0.340 -
-52 1.855 1.250 0.375 -
-38 3.490 3.490 0.118 -
-38 3.490 3.490 0.157
-2 3.490 3.490 0.500
-63 3.490 3.490 0.500 -
-18 3.490 3.490 0.500

ID Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in)
-66 66 0.398 0.276 0.032
-66 66 0.402 0.402 0.043
-52 75 0.402 0.402 0.047
-52 75 0.469 0.500 0.043
-66 66 0.469 0.500 0.043 -
-66 66 0.500 0.500 0.048
-52 75 0.508 0.508 0.047
-65 42 0.508 0.508 0.047
-66 66 0.508 0.508 0.047
-52 75 0.508 0.508 0.059

Plain Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
D (in) L (in)
-17 4 0.033 0.050
-6 8.5 0.033 0.050 -
-0 1 0.033 0.075
-17 4 0.033 0.075
-0 1 0.033 0.086
-0 1 0.033 0.100
-17 4 0.033 0.100
-6 8.5 0.033 0.100
-7 9 0.033 0.100
-0 1 0.033 0.155

Plastic Bobbin
Part Number Material Flange Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) G (in) L (in)
Dupont Zytel 132F 1 0.365 0.365 0.135 0.135 0.178 0.178 0.023 0.312
Dupont Zytel 132F 1 0.535 0.535 0.205 0.205 0.255 0.260 0.025 0.420
Dupont Zytel 132F 1 0.865 0.865 0.386 0.386 0.442 0.442 0.031 0.672
Dupont Zytel 101F Nylon 6/6 1 1.100 1.100 0.510 0.510 0.570 0.570 0.030 0.795
Dupont Zytel 101F Nylon 6/6 4 1.208 1.208 0.641 0.641 0.711 0.711 0.035 0.913 -
Dupont Zytel 132F 2 1.370 1.165 0.640 0.490 0.570 0.720 0.060 1.150
Dupont Zytel 101F Nylon 6/6 3 1.465 1.157 0.799 0.492 0.570 0.880 0.060 1.142
Dupont Zytel 132F 5 1.480 1.480 0.765 0.765 0.845 0.845 0.035 1.115
Dupont Zytel 101F Nylon 6/6 2 1.640 1.425 0.840 0.690 0.760 0.920 0.060 1.440
Rynite FR530 Black 2 2.020 2.020 0.965 0.965 1.055 1.055 0.060 2.040

Pot Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Ref Size Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) G (in)
-40 60 60 x 20 2.354 2.028 0.787 0.512 0.984 0.587 0.261
-40 60 60 x 20 2.354 2.028 0.787 0.512 0.984 0.587 - -
-52 75 60 x 20 2.354 2.028 0.787 0.512 0.984 0.587 - -
-40 60 60 x 25 2.354 2.028 0.984 0.709 0.984 0.587 0.261
-40 60 60 x 25 2.354 2.028 0.984 0.709 0.984 0.587 -
-40 60 60 x 30 2.354 2.028 1.181 0.906 0.984 0.587 0.261
-40 60 60 x 30 2.354 2.028 1.181 0.906 0.984 0.587 -
-40 60 60 x 30 2.354 2.028 1.181 0.906 0.984 0.587 0.256
-40 60 60 x 32 2.354 2.028 1.260 0.984 0.984 0.587 0.256
-40 60 60 x 32.5 2.354 2.028 1.280 1.004 0.984 0.587 0.256

RC Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in)
-66 66 0.118 0.216
-66 66 0.118 0.215
-66 66 0.118 0.220
-66 66 0.138 0.205
-66 66 0.138 0.215
-66 66 0.138 0.215 -
-66 66 0.138 0.215 -
-66 66 0.138 0.219
-66 66 0.138 0.220
-66 66 0.138 0.217

Rectangular Toroid
Part Number Material AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-0 None 0.070 0.038 0.047 0 0 0.00570 0.510 0.0029
-10 1.45 0.070 0.038 0.047 0 0 0.00570 0.510 0.0029
-0 0.35 0.100 0.055 0.050 0 0 0.00860 0.730 0.0062
-17 1.0 0.100 0.055 0.050 0 0 0.00860 0.730 0.0062
-10 1.4 0.100 0.055 0.050 0 0 0.00860 0.730 0.0062
-2 1.8 0.100 0.055 0.050 0 0 0.00860 0.730 0.0062
-8 5.1 0.100 0.055 0.050 0 0 0.00860 0.730 0.0062
-0 0.45 0.100 0.055 0.070 0 0 0.0120 0.730 0.0087
-17 1.3 0.100 0.055 0.070 0 0 0.0120 0.730 0.0087
-10 1.8 0.100 0.055 0.070 0 0 0.0120 0.730 0.0087

SC Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in)
-66 66 0.307 0.307 0.256 0.217 0.236 0.226
-66 66 0.307 0.307 0.287 0.248 0.236 0.226 -
-52 75 0.315 0.315 0.315 0.276 0.230 0.230 -
-66 66 0.315 0.315 0.315 0.276 0.230 0.230
-66 66 0.449 0.449 0.366 0.323 0.344 0.329 -
-65 42 0.425 0.307 0.335 0.295 0.303 0.211 -

Sleeve Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
OD (in) ID (in) L (in)
-6 8.5 0 0 0
-2 10 0 0 0
-2 10 0 0 0
-2 10 0.062 0.026 0.140
-6 8.5 0.064 0.026 0.187
-2 10 0.064 0.026 0.187
-2 10 0.064 0.026 0.220
-6 8.5 0.092 0.029 0.063
-10 6 0.102 0.040 0.130
-6 8.5 0.102 0.040 0.130

Threaded Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Drive Thread Physical Dimensions Stock
D (in) L (in)
-6 8.5 1FS 4-40 0.111 0.130
-12 4 2PS 4-40 0.111 0.187
-6 8.5 1FS 4-40 0.111 0.187
-6 8.5 1FS 4-40 0.111 0.187
-6 8.5 2FS 4-40 0.111 0.187
-6 8.5 2PS 4-40 0.111 0.187
-4 9 1FS 4-40 0.111 0.250
-6 8.5 2FS 6-32 0.126 0.187
-2 10 2FS 6-32 0.126 0.187
-6 8.5 1FS 6-32 0.130 0.187

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* The maximum number of selected products is 100