Product Finder

Part Number Material Ref Perm Analyze Click on the Icon next to the core you would like to analyze - a new pop-up window will appear populated with the core specifications and allow you to input winding and power specifications. AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
OD (in) ID (in) HT (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-8 35 - 6.0 0.125 0.062 0.050 0.0100 0.750 0.0077
-8 35 - 6.0 0.160 0.078 0.060 0.0150 0.930 0.0141
-8 35 Analyze 7.8 0.200 0.088 0.070 0.0230 1.15 0.0260
-8 35 Analyze 10.0 0.255 0.120 0.096 0.0370 1.50 0.0550
-8 35 Analyze 24.0 0.265 0.105 0.190 0.0900 1.47 0.133
-8 35 Analyze 11.5 0.280 0.151 0.128 0.0470 1.71 0.0800
-8 35 Analyze 14.0 0.307 0.151 0.128 0.0600 1.84 0.110
-8 35 Analyze 12.0 0.375 0.205 0.128 0.0640 2.31 0.147
-8 35 Analyze 20.0 0.375 0.175 0.190 0.114 2.18 0.248
-8 35 Analyze 18.0 0.440 0.229 0.159 0.0990 2.68 0.266

Part Number Material Ref Perm Analyze Click on the Icon next to the core you would like to analyze - a new pop-up window will appear populated with the core specifications and allow you to input winding and power specifications. Ref Size AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-8 35 Analyze EE-28/29 20.5 0.500 0.219 0.125 0.156 0.375 0.125 0.101 2.86 0.288
-8 35 Analyze DIN 16/5 30.5 0.645 0.320 0.182 0.236 0.445 0.182 0.224 3.98 0.861
-8 35 Analyze EI-187 33.5 0.750 0.318 0.187 0.228 0.562 0.187 0.226 4.20 0.936
-8 35 Analyze DIN 20/6 38.0 0.795 0.391 0.230 0.280 0.575 0.230 0.333 4.84 1.63
-8 35 Analyze DIN 25/7 51.0 1.000 0.500 0.287 0.345 0.695 0.287 0.548 6.08 3.38
-8 35 Analyze EE-24/25 48.0 1.000 0.375 0.250 0.250 0.750 0.250 0.403 5.08 2.05
-8 35 - None 116.0 1.020 0.375 0.555 0.175 0.765 0.250 0.895 3.93 2.36
-8 35 Analyze EI-375 67.0 1.375 0.572 0.375 0.385 1.000 0.375 0.907 7.40 6.72
-8 35 Analyze EI-21 105.0 1.625 0.671 0.500 0.421 1.125 0.500 1.61 8.41 13.6
-8 35 Analyze DIN 42/15 97.0 1.685 0.830 0.590 0.605 1.210 0.475 1.81 10.4 18.5

Balun Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) L (in) ID (in) D (in)
-8 35 10.5 0.082 0.140 0.070 0.033 0.058
-8 35 14.4 0.082 0.140 0.093 0.033 0.058
-8 35 27.5 0.169 0.282 0.125 0.077 0.114
-8 35 55.0 0.169 0.282 0.250 0.077 0.114

Bus Bar
Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-8 35 68.0 1.020 0.325 0.500 0.520 0.070 0.806 5.92 4.61
-8 35 83.0 1.020 0.325 0.625 0.520 0.070 1.01 5.92 5.77
-8 35 95.0 1.020 0.325 0.750 0.520 0.070 1.21 5.92 6.92
-8 35 107.0 1.020 0.325 0.875 0.520 0.070 1.41 5.92 8.06

Cup Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in)
-8 35 0.495 0.403 0.600 0.560 0.161

Disc Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
A (in) C (in)
-8 35 4.030 1.000 -

Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) H (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-8 35 114.0 2.210 1.090 0.820 0.755 1.700 0.680 0.780 2.19 13.3 29.1

Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) F (in) H (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-8 35 40.1 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.400 0.800 0.350 0.350 0.637 6.28 4.00
-8 35 48.7 1.250 0.625 0.570 0.458 1.010 0.438 0.438 0.960 7.46 7.43
-8 35 63.7 1.500 0.750 0.750 0.600 1.190 0.536 0.536 1.45 9.46 13.7
-8 35 82.3 1.685 0.827 0.766 0.602 1.360 0.580 0.580 1.79 9.90 17.7
-8 35 77.0 1.930 0.965 0.877 0.765 1.530 0.676 0.676 2.28 12.1 27.5 -
-8 35 89.9 2.210 1.100 1.070 0.880 1.760 0.850 0.850 3.22 13.7 44.0

Part Number Material Ref Perm AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) E (in) F (in) G (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-8 35 42.4 0.800 0.625 0.250 0.375 0.250 0.300 0.403 7.87 3.18

Plain Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
D (in) L (in)
-8 35 0.033 0.155
-8 35 0.044 0.100
-8 35 0.098 0.250
-8 35 0.136 0.775
-8 35 0.190 0.750 -
-8 35 0.500 1.250 -

Rectangular Toroid
Part Number Material AL (nH/N2) Physical Dimensions Magnetic Dimensions Stock
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) Ae (cm2) Ie (cm) Ve (cm3)
-8 5.1 0.100 0.055 0.050 0 0 0.00860 0.730 0.0062
-8 6.1 0.100 0.055 0.070 0 0 0.0120 0.730 0.0087

Sleeve Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Physical Dimensions Stock
OD (in) ID (in) L (in)
-8 35 0.123 0.071 0.215
-8 35 0.144 0.112 0.360
-8 35 0.221 0.172 0.188
-8 35 0.495 0.400 0.400
-8 35 0.698 0.495 1.250

Threaded Core
Part Number Material Ref Perm Drive Thread Physical Dimensions Stock
D (in) L (in)
-8 35 HEX 1/4-28 0.246 0.875

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